Directed by Crowns & Owls, this rich, cinematic video for ‘Omnion’ is a timeless story of a spirit reborn but told in an original and nuanced way. Perspective play, scale and negative space is used to reflect the complexity of identity.
CAST (In order of appearance)
Pilgrim – Liz Ord
Child 1 – Miranda Beinart-Smith
Child 2 – Jack McCarthy
Child 3 – Hakeem Drammeh
Child 4 – Savanah Graham
Pilgrim reborn – Oliver Ebsworth
Characters wearing Marta Jakubowski, Slim Barrett and Xander Zhou.
Having set the pace with the 80’s electro-house of ‘Controller’ at the start of the year, Hercules & Love Affair switch down a gear for the single ‘Omnion’ feat. Sharon Van Etten. This a triumphant sliver of tuneful electronica and the title track of their forthcoming album.