“Utopian Façade” from ‘Lost Themes II’ out now.
iTunes: http://smarturl.it/LostThemesIIiTunes
Bandcamp: http://bit.ly/1nZFBLZ
LP/CD: https://bit.ly/1QhvD4V
Artist Info:
John Carpenter Website: http://www.theofficialjohncarpenter.com/
John Carpenter Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/directorjohn…
John Carpenter Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheHorrorMaster
John Carpenter Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johncarpent…
Label Info:
Website: http://www.sacredbonesrecords.com/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/sacredbones
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/SacredBo…
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sacredbones/
Produced and Directed by Gavin Hignight and Ben Verhulst
Director of Photography: Ben Verhulst
Drone Photography: Glenn Blakeslee
Android: Erika Angel
Avatar: Stuart Morales
Wardrobe: Jennifer Garnet Filo
Special FX/Makeup: Ian Cromer, John Wrightson, Christian Michael, Cig Neutron, Rannie Rodil, Kimber Parrish, Jennifer Garnet Filo
Makeup: Kimber Parrish, Guity Rafik
Killowatt Mask provided by Immortal Masks